AI-assisted endoscopy: A genial tool against colorectal cancer

Submitted by Jan Ash on Thu, 24/06/2021 - 10:24

The use of AI to aid diagnosis has been heralded increasingly often as an imminent evolution in the world of gastroenterology (1, 2). Thanks to an Italian study, in April the FDA has approved for the first time a tool for colonoscopy that helps doctors detect suspicious lesions in real time whilst performing the examination (3, 4).

Do You Trust Big Pharma?

Submitted by Beatrice on Tue, 22/06/2021 - 10:37

The pharmaceutical industry gets a lot of bad press. Much of it is admittedly deserved; when you are in the business of putting stuff into people’s bodies, the slightest unethical behaviour must be dealt with, rapidly and transparently.  

Do AS&Kers Dream of Electric Cars?

Submitted by Beatrice on Thu, 17/06/2021 - 09:52

We’re committed to doing all we can to reduce our carbon footprint – at home as well as for our clients. One way we’re doing this internally is by offering our staff a salary sacrifice scheme for electric cars. This is a government scheme that allows people to lease a new electric car with payments from gross salary, before tax and national insurance, thus making a substantial saving.

AI and Medical Writing: What Might the Future Hold?

Submitted by Beatrice on Tue, 08/06/2021 - 12:26

A dream of science fiction writers until a few decades ago, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our existence, with a particularly prominent role in healthcare – as a tool to both manage and analyse information and to assist diagnosis and follow-up in several therapy areas. Its involvement in medical writing was therefore bound to be the next natural step. 

Is Eleven Coagulation Heaven? Clots, COVID and Anticoagulation (part 2)

Submitted by Beatrice on Thu, 03/06/2021 - 09:58

Medicine moves quickly when it has to. In my previous post I mentioned clinical trials of DOACs for patients with COVID-19, but we already know that this approach is proving to be futile. We’ve seen the spectre of blood clots appear as a side effect from the vaccine, and we now think we know how they occur.

Democratising access to educational materials

Submitted by Jan Ash on Tue, 01/06/2021 - 08:08

Attending medical conferences is a great way for healthcare professionals to learn about the latest advances in therapies and treatments for diseases in their chosen area. Not only can Specialists listen to lectures delivered by world-renowned Key Opinion Leaders, with whom they may not normally come into contact, but they can speak directly to exhibitors, listen to abstracts, read posters, attend workshops… the benefits go on. However, attendance at these events comes at a price, both literally and figuratively.

Virtual preceptorships: Supporting newly qualified Specialists in an online world

Submitted by Jan Ash on Mon, 17/05/2021 - 08:39

Preceptorship meetings are a fantastic way for newly qualified healthcare professionals to build on the education they received during formal training and continue the learning process. They help smooth the transition from student to Specialist and build confidence in being able to work autonomously – all of which leads to increased quality of care and patient satisfaction.