I doubt there is anyone in the world right now that hasn’t been affected or somehow impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping the globe. Although each country has a different level of infection, there is one thing common to all. Life as we knew it has changed.
Hopefully these changes will just be temporary and our lives will largely return to normal in a few weeks, although it is more likely going to take months to regain some sense of normality. Once restrictions are lifted, and daily lives start to resume in the way we have so long been accustomed, we still have a long struggle ahead of us. Our economies have taken a massive hit, and the businesses we were so comfortable running will need rebuilding.
However, we shouldn’t put our lives on hold, but rather adapt how we live for now. I’m having virtual dinner parties with friends and families — we all try and cook the same thing and sit down to eat together on our webcams. It isn’t the same of course, but we can have a catch up, laugh and enjoy each other’s company.
We want to be able to provide that same kind of thing to you as a business. We know the healthcare industry is stretched to its breaking point at the moment, and we want to be there to provide support where it is needed. We want to continue to use The Corpus platform to connect healthcare professionals around the world, not just for our current clients, but for anyone affected by the coronavirus. For those of you that have had to cancel face-to-face events, we will work hard with your teams to move these events online.
Sharing knowledge and experience will be a key part of beating COVID-19; The Corpus would be incredibly proud to be able to facilitate these conversations online. If you have been involved in frontline care of patients with COVID-19 and are willing to share your experience, we’d love to help connect you with doctors, nurses and specialists that need your insight all around the world.
During these unprecedented times, The Corpus is in a unique position to be able to make a real difference to the management of the global pandemic. We want to offer our services to anyone that feels their experience can help others treat their patients. Contact me (sarah.stickland@the-corpus.com) or Jan Ash (jan.ash@the-corpus.com) for more information.
During these unprecedented times, the whole team here at The Corpus wants to help companies and people in the healthcare industry get on with their lives as best they can.